Namespace | tinymce.dom |
Class | DOMUtils |
Method | Defined By |
DOMUtils(d:Document, s:settings)
Constructs a new DOMUtils instance.
DOMUtils |
add(Element:String/Element/Array, n:String/Element, a:Object, h:String, c:Boolean):Element/Array
Adds the specified element to another element or elements.
DOMUtils |
addClass(Element:String/Element/Array, c:String):String/Array
Adds a class to the specified element or elements.
DOMUtils |
Adds a style element at the top of the document with the specified cssText content.
DOMUtils |
bind(o:Element/Document/Window/Array/String, n:String, f:function, s:Object):function
Adds an event handler to the specified object.
DOMUtils |
create(n:String, a:Object, h:String):Element
Creates a new element.
DOMUtils |
createHTML(n:String, a:Object, h:String):String
Create HTML string for element.
DOMUtils |
Created a new DOM Range object.
DOMUtils |
Entity decode a string, resolves any HTML entities like å.
DOMUtils |
Destroys all internal references to the DOM to solve IE leak issues.
DOMUtils |
Entity encodes a string, encodes the most common entities <>"& into entities.
DOMUtils |
findCommonAncestor(a:Element, b:Element):Element
Find the common ancestor of two elements.
DOMUtils |
fire(target:Node/Document/Window, name:String, evt:Object):Event
Fires the specified event name with object on target.
DOMUtils |
Returns the specified element by ID or the input element if it isn't a string.
DOMUtils |
getAttrib(e:String/Element, n:String, dv:String):String
Returns the specified attribute by name.
DOMUtils |
Returns an NodeList with attributes for the element.
DOMUtils |
Returns a array of all single CSS classes in the document.
DOMUtils |
getNext(node:Node, selector:String/function):Node
Returns the next node that matches selector or function
DOMUtils |
Returns the outer HTML of an element.
DOMUtils |
getParent(n:Node/String, f:function, r:Node):Node
Returns a node by the specified selector function.
DOMUtils |
getParents(n:Node/String, f:function, r:Node):Array
Returns a node list of all parents matching the specified selector function or pattern.
DOMUtils |
getPos(n:Element/String, ro:Element):object
Returns the absolute x, y position of a node.
DOMUtils |
getPrev(node:Node, selector:String/function):Node
Returns the previous node that matches selector or function
DOMUtils |
Returns the rectangle for a specific element.
DOMUtils |
Returns the root node of the document this is normally the body but might be a DIV.
DOMUtils |
Returns the size dimensions of the specified element.
DOMUtils |
getStyle(n:String/Element, na:String, c:Boolean):String
Returns the current style or runtime/computed value of a element.
DOMUtils |
Returns the viewport of the window.
DOMUtils |
hasClass(n:String/Element, c:String):Boolean
Returns true if the specified element has the specified class.
DOMUtils |
Hides the specified element(s) by ID by setting the "display" style.
DOMUtils |
insertAfter(node:Element, reference_node:Element/String/Array):Element/Array
Inserts a element after the reference element.
DOMUtils |
is(n:Node/NodeList, selector:String):void
Returns true/false if the specified element matches the specified css pattern.
DOMUtils |
Returns true/false if the specified element is a block element or not.
DOMUtils |
Returns true/false if the specified node is to be considered empty or not.
DOMUtils |
Returns true/false if the element is hidden or not by checking the "display" style.
DOMUtils |
Imports/loads the specified CSS file into the document bound to the class.
DOMUtils |
Parses the specified style value into an object collection.
DOMUtils |
remove(node:String/Element/Array, keep_children:Boolean):Element/Array
Removes/deletes the specified element(s) from the DOM.
DOMUtils |
removeClass(Element:String/Element/Array, c:String):String/Array
Removes a class from the specified element or elements.
DOMUtils |
rename(elm:Element, name:String):Object
Renames the specified element to a new name and keep it's attributes and children.
DOMUtils |
replace(n:Element, o:Element/String/Array, k:Boolean):void
Replaces the specified element or elements with the specified element, the new element will be cloned if multiple inputs...
DOMUtils |
run(Element:String/Element/Array, f:function, s:Object):Object/Array
Executes the specified function on the element by id or dom element node or array of elements/id.
DOMUtils |
select(p:String, s:Object):Array
Selects specific elements by a CSS level 3 pattern.
DOMUtils |
serializeStyle(o:Object, name:String):String
Serializes the specified style object into a string.
DOMUtils |
setAttrib(e:Element/String/Array, n:String, v:String):void
Sets the specified attributes value of a element or elements.
DOMUtils |
setAttribs(e:Element/String/Array, o:Object):void
Sets the specified attributes of a element or elements.
DOMUtils |
setHTML(e:Element/String/Array, h:String):void
Sets the specified HTML content inside the element or elements.
DOMUtils |
setOuterHTML(e:Element/String/Array, h:Object, d:Document):void
Sets the specified outer HTML on a element or elements.
DOMUtils |
setStyle(n:String/Element/Array, na:String, v:String):void
Sets the CSS style value on a HTML element.
DOMUtils |
setStyles(e:Element/String/Array, o:Object):void
Sets multiple styles on the specified element(s).
DOMUtils |
Shows the specified element(s) by ID by setting the "display" style.
DOMUtils |
split(pe:Element, e:Element, re:Element):Element
Splits an element into two new elements and places the specified split element or element between the new ones.
DOMUtils |
Parses the specified RGB color value and returns a hex version of that color.
DOMUtils |
unbind(o:String/Element/Array, n:String, f:function):bool/Array
Removes the specified event handler by name and function from a element or collection of elements.
DOMUtils |
Returns a unique id.
DOMUtils |
function DOMUtils(d:Document, s:settings)
d:Document | Document reference to bind the utility class to. |
s:settings | Optional settings collection. |
function add(Element:String/Element/Array, n:String/Element, a:Object, h:String, c:Boolean):Element/Array
Element:String/Element/Array | id string, DOM node element or array of id's or elements to add to. |
n:String/Element | Name of new element to add or existing element to add. |
a:Object | Optional object collection with arguments to add to the new element(s). |
h:String | Optional inner HTML contents to add for each element. |
c:Boolean | Optional internal state to indicate if it should create or add. |
function addClass(Element:String/Element/Array, c:String):String/Array
Element:String/Element/Array | ID string or DOM element or array with elements or IDs. |
c:String | Class name to add to each element. |
function addStyle(cssText:String):void
cssText:String | CSS Text style to add to top of head of document. |
function bind(o:Element/Document/Window/Array/String, n:String, f:function, s:Object):function
o:Element/Document/Window/Array/String | Object or element id string to add event handler to or an array of elements/ids/documents. |
n:String | Name of event handler to add for example: click. |
f:function | Function to execute when the event occurs. |
s:Object | Optional scope to execute the function in. |
function create(n:String, a:Object, h:String):Element
n:String | Name of new element. |
a:Object | Optional object name/value collection with element attributes. |
h:String | Optional HTML string to set as inner HTML of the element. |
function createHTML(n:String, a:Object, h:String):String
n:String | Name of new element. |
a:Object | Optional object name/value collection with element attributes. |
h:String | Optional HTML string to set as inner HTML of the element. |
function createRng():DOMRange
function decode(s:String):String
s:String | String to decode entities on. |
function destroy():void
function encode(text:String):String
text:String | String to encode with entities. |
function findCommonAncestor(a:Element, b:Element):Element
a:Element | Element to find common ancestor of. |
b:Element | Element to find common ancestor of. |
function fire(target:Node/Document/Window, name:String, evt:Object):Event
target:Node/Document/Window | Target element or object to fire event on. |
name:String | Name of the event to fire. |
evt:Object | Event object to send. |
function get(n:String/Element):Element
n:String/Element | Element id to look for or element to just pass though. |
function getAttrib(e:String/Element, n:String, dv:String):String
e:String/Element | Element string id or DOM element to get attribute from. |
n:String | Name of attribute to get. |
dv:String | Optional default value to return if the attribute didn't exist. |
function getAttribs(n:HTMLElement/string):NodeList
n:HTMLElement/string | Element node or string id to get attributes from. |
function getClasses():Array
function getNext(node:Node, selector:String/function):Node
node:Node | Node to find siblings from. |
selector:String/function | Selector CSS expression or function. |
function getOuterHTML(elm:String/Element):String
elm:String/Element | Element ID or element object to get outer HTML from. |
function getParent(n:Node/String, f:function, r:Node):Node
n:Node/String | DOM node to search parents on or ID string. |
f:function | Selection function to execute on each node or CSS pattern. |
r:Node | Optional root element, never go below this point. |
function getParents(n:Node/String, f:function, r:Node):Array
n:Node/String | DOM node to search parents on or ID string. |
f:function | Selection function to execute on each node or CSS pattern. |
r:Node | Optional root element, never go below this point. |
function getPos(n:Element/String, ro:Element):object
n:Element/String | HTML element or element id to get x, y position from. |
ro:Element | Optional root element to stop calculations at. |
function getPrev(node:Node, selector:String/function):Node
node:Node | Node to find siblings from. |
selector:String/function | Selector CSS expression or function. |
function getRect(e:Element/String):object
e:Element/String | Element object or element ID to get rectange from. |
function getRoot():Element
function getSize(e:Element/String):object
e:Element/String | Element object or element ID to get rectange from. |
function getStyle(n:String/Element, na:String, c:Boolean):String
n:String/Element | HTML element or element id string to get style from. |
na:String | Style name to return. |
c:Boolean | Computed style. |
function getViewPort(w:Window):Object
w:Window | Optional window to get viewport of. |
function hasClass(n:String/Element, c:String):Boolean
n:String/Element | HTML element or element id string to check CSS class on. |
c:String | CSS class to check for. |
function hide(e:String/Element/Array):void
e:String/Element/Array | ID of DOM element or DOM element or array with elements or IDs to hide. |
function insertAfter(node:Element, reference_node:Element/String/Array):Element/Array
node:Element | Element to insert after the reference. |
reference_node:Element/String/Array | Reference element, element id or array of elements to insert after. |
function is(n:Node/NodeList, selector:String):void
n:Node/NodeList | DOM node to match or an array of nodes to match. |
selector:String | CSS pattern to match the element agains. |
function isBlock(node:Node/String):Boolean
node:Node/String | Element/Node to check. |
function isEmpty(elements:Object):Boolean
elements:Object | Optional name/value object with elements that are automatically treated as non empty elements. |
function isHidden(e:String/Element):Boolean
e:String/Element | Id or element to check display state on. |
function loadCSS(u:String):void
u:String | URL to CSS file to load. |
function parseStyle(st:String):Object
st:String | Style value to parse for example: border:1px solid red;. |
function remove(node:String/Element/Array, keep_children:Boolean):Element/Array
node:String/Element/Array | ID of element or DOM element object or array containing multiple elements/ids. |
keep_children:Boolean | Optional state to keep children or not. If set to true all children will be placed at the location of the removed element. |
function removeClass(Element:String/Element/Array, c:String):String/Array
Element:String/Element/Array | ID string or DOM element or array with elements or IDs. |
c:String | Class name to remove to each element. |
function rename(elm:Element, name:String):Object
elm:Element | Element to rename. |
name:String | Name of the new element. |
function replace(n:Element, o:Element/String/Array, k:Boolean):void
n:Element | New element to replace old ones with. |
o:Element/String/Array | Element DOM node, element id or array of elements or ids to replace. |
k:Boolean | Optional keep children state, if set to true child nodes from the old object will be added to new ones. |
function run(Element:String/Element/Array, f:function, s:Object):Object/Array
Element:String/Element/Array | ID or DOM element object or array with ids or elements. |
f:function | Function to execute for each item. |
s:Object | Optional scope to execute the function in. |
function select(p:String, s:Object):Array
p:String | CSS level 1 pattern to select/find elements by. |
s:Object | Optional root element/scope element to search in. |
function serializeStyle(o:Object, name:String):String
o:Object | Object to serialize as string for example: {border : '1px solid red'} |
name:String | Optional element name. |
function setAttrib(e:Element/String/Array, n:String, v:String):void
e:Element/String/Array | DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set attribute on. |
n:String | Name of attribute to set. |
v:String | Value to set on the attribute of this value is falsy like null 0 or '' it will remove the attribute instead. |
function setAttribs(e:Element/String/Array, o:Object):void
e:Element/String/Array | DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set attributes on. |
o:Object | Name/Value collection of attribute items to add to the element(s). |
function setHTML(e:Element/String/Array, h:String):void
e:Element/String/Array | DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set HTML inside. |
h:String | HTML content to set as inner HTML of the element. |
function setOuterHTML(e:Element/String/Array, h:Object, d:Document):void
e:Element/String/Array | DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set outer HTML on. |
h:Object | HTML code to set as outer value for the element. |
d:Document | Optional document scope to use in this process defaults to the document of the DOM class. |
function setStyle(n:String/Element/Array, na:String, v:String):void
n:String/Element/Array | HTML element/Element ID or Array of elements/ids to set CSS style value on. |
na:String | Name of the style value to set. |
v:String | Value to set on the style. |
function setStyles(e:Element/String/Array, o:Object):void
e:Element/String/Array | DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set styles on. |
o:Object | Name/Value collection of style items to add to the element(s). |
function show(e:String/Element/Array):void
e:String/Element/Array | ID of DOM element or DOM element or array with elements or IDs to show. |
function split(pe:Element, e:Element, re:Element):Element
would produceabc
.pe:Element | Parent element to split. |
e:Element | Element to split at. |
re:Element | Optional replacement element to replace the split element by. |
function toHex(s:String):String
s:String | RGB string value like rgb(1,2,3) |
function unbind(o:String/Element/Array, n:String, f:function):bool/Array
o:String/Element/Array | Element ID string or HTML element or an array of elements or ids to remove handler from. |
n:String | Event handler name like for example: "click" |
f:function | Function to remove. |
function uniqueId(p:String):String
p:String | Optional prefix to add infront of all ids defaults to "mce_". |